Sunday, June 16, 2024

NGC 7000 and IC 5070 -nebulae in the constellation of Cygnus ,discovered by William Herschel in 1786 ,is estimated to be 1.600 and 4.000 light years distant.

Equipment used : -optical tube MEADE 80mmtriplet apo serie 5.000 and TS Universal flatner

                            -mont Skywatcher HEQ 5 PRO guided with ZWO  ASI120mm Mono. Camera +PHD Guiding 2

                            - photo-camera QHY 294 pro monochrome 

                            -electronic filter wheel QHY 7positions ,.Filters Antlia  Edge H alfa 4,5nm +Astronomik Olll 12nm .

    Exposure time:- 20 x 2 min. H alfa and 22 x2 min. Olll .

Location Roma (center) Italia . Bortle zone 9 .

It"s my first astroimage in color with the QHY 294 pro Mono.

Monday, May 20, 2024

 Messier 8  without stars 

 Messier 8  - Commonly known as the Lagoon Nebula .M8 was discovered in 1654 by italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna who like Charles Messier,sought to catalog nebulous objects in the night sky so they would not be mistaken for comets. This star forming cloud  of interstellar gas is located in the constellation Sagittarius and its apparent magnitude of 6 makes it faintly visible to the naked aye in dark skies.Located 5.200 light years from Earth M8 is hometo its own star cluster : NGC 6530 .The massive stars embedded withim the nebula give off enormous amounts of ultraviolet radiation ,ionizing the gas and causing it to shine .

Equipment astrophotography :

optical tube: MEADE 80mm triplet apo serie 5000 

mount:Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro guided with Zwo asi120mm mono -PHDguiding 2

camera photo: Atik314L+ mono 

filters: Antlia H alfa 4,5nm Edge 1.25 inch 

exposures time frames: 18x 180sec  total 54 minutes

Location : Roma  -Italy - Bortle zone 9 .

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

 Test for new camera astrophotography IC 434 or Barnard 33 (Horse Head Nebula) in

constellation Orion -1.375 light - years from Earth.

astrophoto captutre equipment :

telescope 80mm MEADE triplet apo.

mount Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro guide

camera photo QHY 294 pro Monochrome and electronic filter wheel QHY 3 with 7positions

filter -Astronomik 12nm H alpha-exposures 12x 300sec.

location Roma  (city-center) -Italy - Light pollution Bortle 9 zone .

Sunday, December 11, 2022

 R.C. 6 f9 Atik cam. 314L+ monochrome 

Skywatcher mount .- HEQ 5 Pro 

Meade triplet apo 80mm f6 and up , the little telescope  TS 65 mm quadruplet 
Atik 314L+ monocrome camera 
Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro mount.

 My equipment waiting .

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

 NGC 7635 or the Bubble nebula -it was discovered by William Herschel in 1787 and is about 7.100 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cassiopea .The Bubble nebula is 7 light-years across and the seething star forming this nebula is 45 times mor massive than our sun .Gas on de star gets so hot that it escapes away into space as a stellar wind moving at over  6.437.376 km per hour .

Equipment ;

 telescope-RC 6 inches Astrotech  

mount -Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro giuded

camera-Atik 314L+ mono.

guiding- ZWO asi120mm mono CMOS camera --- Skywatcher 70/500mm telescope

filters- Astronomik HA12nm and Olll 12nm

exposures time - HA 25x 600 sec-Olll 15x600 sec.

Monday, July 5, 2021

 NGC 6992 Eastern Veil nebula is a supernova remnant in constellation Cygnus  . The nebula is a cloud of heated ionized gas   .The analysis  of the emission from the nebula indicate the presence of sulfur , oxygen and hydrogen. The Veil nebula was discovered by William Herchel on 5 September 1784  and is about 2400 light years from Earth .

Astrophoto-equipment : 

telescope -MEADE 80mm triplet apo. series 5000 

mount -SKYWATCHER HEQ5 Pro. 

photo-camera - CCD ATIK 314L+ mono.

guide camera-  CMOS ZWO asi 120mm mono 

guide scope - Skywatcher 70mm/500mm 

filters -Astronomik HA 12nm , Olll 12nm 

exposure times 23 x 300 sec HA and 11 x 300 sec Olll .

Monday, May 17, 2021

 M8 (the Lagoon Nebula)

This nebula vas discovered by italian astronomer  Giovanni Battista Hodierna in 1654 . This star forming cloud of interstellar gas , is located 5.200 light-years from Earth in constellation Sagittarius . The M8 is  home to its own star cluster- NGC 6530 . The massive stars embedded within the nebula"s ionized gas and causing it to shine.

Astrophoto-equipment :

Telescope- Astrotech RC 6 inch f/9  & focal reducer Astro-Physics 0,67x .

Mount Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro guided  with ZWO asi 120mm mono and guidescope 70/500 Skywatcher

Astro-camera- Atik 314L+ mono. 

Filters - Atik  electric filter whell  -filters HA 12nm & Olll 12nm 

Exposure  time - HA 14x600sec ,Olll 6x600sec 

Location -Babadag- Romania ,,Scorpius Observatory" 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Up- monochrome image of the IC5070 - 54x 300sec  light frames in HA

 IC 5070 (detail ) Pelican Nebula  - is a emission nebula located about 1800 light years in constellation Cygnus .The gaseous contortions of this emission nebula bear a resemblance to a pelican giving rise to its name .The Pelican Nebula is much studied bicause it has a particularly active mix of star formation and evolving gas clouds .

Equipment astrophotography:

Telescope -Astrotech RC 6 inch f/9 & Astro-Physics focal reducer 0,67x .

Mount- HEQ5Pro guided with ZWO asi120mm cmos camera mono, guide-scop Skywatcher 70/500mm.

Photo cam.- ATIK 314L+ mono 

Filters - narrowband from Astronomik HA -Olll  and R  (Red  deep sky filter)  

exposures time - HA 54x 300sec- Olll 24x300sec -R 20x300sec.

Location -Babadag -Romania  ,,Scorpius Observatory"

Thursday, May 6, 2021

 Messier 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy) is an interacting spiral galaxy with a sayfert 2 active galactic nucleus .

Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered by Charles Messier in 1773 octomber 13 is located 31million light years from Earth in constellation Canes Venatici  .

Equipment astrophoto:

-Telescope Vixen VC200l  and Astrotech RC 6 f/9 ,focal reducer 0,67x from Astro-Physics .

-Mount - Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro -guided with ZWO asi 120mm mono + 70/500 Skywatcher scope .

-Camera- Atik 314L+ mono. 

-Filters - Astronomik L,R,G,B -Atik  electric filter wheel  5 positions .

Exposures time - L 20x300sec with Vixen VC200L  .  With Astrotech RC6  - L  28x300 sec and  10x300sec for each filter -R G B .

Location -Babadag Romania ,,Scorpius" observatory .

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

 Messier 104 (Sombrero Galaxy) is a spiral galaxy about 28 million light-years from Earth  in the constellation  Virgo . M104 was discovered in 1781 by the france astronomer and comet hunter Pierre Mechain . The Sombrero galaxy"s rich system of globular clusters , estimated  to be nearly  2.000 in number - 10 times more than the number of globular clusters of our  Milky Way  galaxy . The ages of the clusters are similar to those in the Milky Way ,ranging from 10 - 13 billion years old .

Equipment astrophotography : Telescope- Astrotech RC6 f/9 with Astro -Physics reducer 0,67x .

                                                 Mount -Skywatcher HEQ5Pro -guided 

                                                 Camera- Atik 314L+ mono.

                                                Guiding sistem -ZWO asi120mm mono ,scop Skywatcher 70/500 mm.

                                                Filters - Atik electric filter wheel , Astronomik L R G B filters .

                                                Exposure time -L 20x600sec . and R,G,B  10 x300sec.for each filter.

Location Babadag Romania ,,Scorpius "observatory .