Saturday, March 18, 2017

NGC 2264Christmas tree cluster and the Cone nebula- in constelation Monoceros2,700 light years from Earth.Discovered by William Herschel on December 26 -1785.

astrophoto with 80mm diam. MEADE triplet apochromatic telescope,mountSKYWATCHER  HEQ5 pro guided
camera Atik 314l color ccd with Astronomik HA filter ,
focal reducer 2 Astro-Physics ccdt 67,guide camera ASI120mm monochrome ,telescope guiding Skywatcher 70mm diam.
exposures:3x600 sec.,4x900sec. Astronomik Hidrogen A filter

The sky ,Moon  light 67% .
location-Babadag -Romania 17 march 2017.