Thursday, April 12, 2018

M13  globular cluster in constellation Hercules .Distance from Earth 22,200 light years.M13 is about145 light years in diameter with about 300,000 stars. Discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714 and catalogued by Chearles Messier on June 1-1764.
Picture instruments: Telescope RC Astrotech 6inches f/9 ,ccd 67 astro-physics reducer ,mount Skywatcher HEQ5pro  ,photo-camera Atik 314L+ monochrome exposures 10x 300sec Luminance filter.
Location Babadag Romania -9 april 2018 .The sky 70 % transparency.
Messier 63-Sunflower Galaxy : is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici consisting of a central disc surrounded by many short spiral arm segments.M .63 was discovered by Pierre Mechain one june 14-1779 . Distance from Earth 27 million light years. The galaxy was then listed by Charles Messier as object 63 in the Messier Catalogue .
 Pictures technical details: telescope R.C. 6 inches f/9 ,focal reducer astro-physics CCD 67,telescope guide. Skywatcher 70/500mm ,guide cam.ZWO asi 120mm mono. ,mount Skywatcher HEQ5pro,ccd photo-camera-Atik 314l+monochrome with electric filter-wheel 1,25 .
Exposures:-L RGB -L 19x300 sec.,RGB 10x300se each filter.
location Babadag Romania 9 april 2018. -Transparency on the sky not very gut .