Friday, February 14, 2020

NGC -2237 (Rosette Nebula) located in Monoceros Constelation is closely with open cluster NGC 2244 . The strars of the cluster aving been formed from the nebula,s matter . The cluster and the nebula lie at a distance of some 5.000 light years from Earth .
 Foto with Atik 314L+ mono. , 2narrowband filters: HA 12nm ,Olll 12nm , and 1  RED filter from ,, Astronomik" .
 Exposures : 48 x 300 sec. light frames  HA
                    20x300 sec. light frames Olll
                     12x300 sec. light frames RED filter
Atik EFW 5 positions .

Telescope MEADE 80mm triplet ED apo series 5000 .
Mount Skywatcher HEQ5 PRO guided .
Guide cam ZWO  ASI 120mm mono.
Guide scope 65mm  apo quadruplet  .

NGC-2237 (Rosette Nebula) HA 12nm Astronomik ,Atik 314L+ mono. Telescope MEADE  80mm ED  apo triplet -series 5000 .