Saturday, December 5, 2020

M 1 the  ,,Crab Nebula" is a supernova remnant  about 6500 light years from Earth .First time recorded by chinese astronomers in 1054 in constellation Taurus .The Crab Nebula is  discovered  in 1731 by english astronomer-John Bevis .  In 1758  rediscovered by Charles Messier as he was observing  a braight comet . Messier catalogued the first object in his catalogue  of comet- like .

Atrophoto in HA .

Telescope  Astrotech RC 6 f 9  -focal reducer Astrophysics 0.67 x 2inch . Cam.Atik314L plus mono. Mount Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro guided . 

Guide cam ZWO asi 120mm mono. , guide -scope  TS 65mm Quadruplet  , Phd 2 guiding . Exposures 27 light frames x 300 sec  with Astronomik HA 12nm  filter .

Location Babadag -Romania   ,,Scorpius Observatory .