The Leo Triplet- M65 , M66 , & NGC 3628 - is a small group of galaxies,in the constellation Leo . The galaxy group is about 35million light years away ,from Earth . M65 and M66 is discovered by Charles Messier in 1780 but , NGC 3628 ( left up) is discovered by William Herschel in 1784 .
Equipment astrophoto : telescope MEADE 80 mm triplet ed apo.
Mount; skywatcher HEQ5 Pro ,guided PHD Guiding 2 ,guide cam ZWO ASI 120mm .mono.
Photo -camera :ATIK 314l + mono ,
Filters : LRGB ,,Astronomik"
Exposures : L.18 x 300 sec & R.G.B. 10 x 300 sec for each filter .
Location : Babadag -Romania - 13 -March -2020. mini-observatory ,,Scorpius" .
Equipment astrophoto : telescope MEADE 80 mm triplet ed apo.
Mount; skywatcher HEQ5 Pro ,guided PHD Guiding 2 ,guide cam ZWO ASI 120mm .mono.
Photo -camera :ATIK 314l + mono ,
Filters : LRGB ,,Astronomik"
Exposures : L.18 x 300 sec & R.G.B. 10 x 300 sec for each filter .
Location : Babadag -Romania - 13 -March -2020. mini-observatory ,,Scorpius" .