Friday, March 6, 2020

Messier 106 - is a spiral galaxy , about 24 millions light-years from Earth  in constellation Canes Venatici .Down right is galaxy NGC 4217 about 60 millions light years from Earth . M.106 it was discovered by Pierre Mechain in 1781 .

Equipment astrophotography ; Telescope MEADE 80mm triplet apo ,mount Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro, guided Zwo ASI120mm mono cam. and PHD Guiding 2 ; guide scope TS 65mm quadruplet . Camera Atik 314L+ mono , ,,Artemis Capture "  ,filters LRGB from Astronomik . Electric filter sistem 5 positions from Atik . Exposures -L 40 x 300 sec & R G B ,15x 300 sec for each filter . The sky not good transparence .

Location -Babadag (Romania) -,,Scorpius "mini-observatory .