Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Up- monochrome image of the IC5070 - 54x 300sec  light frames in HA

 IC 5070 (detail ) Pelican Nebula  - is a emission nebula located about 1800 light years in constellation Cygnus .The gaseous contortions of this emission nebula bear a resemblance to a pelican giving rise to its name .The Pelican Nebula is much studied bicause it has a particularly active mix of star formation and evolving gas clouds .

Equipment astrophotography:

Telescope -Astrotech RC 6 inch f/9 & Astro-Physics focal reducer 0,67x .

Mount- HEQ5Pro guided with ZWO asi120mm cmos camera mono, guide-scop Skywatcher 70/500mm.

Photo cam.- ATIK 314L+ mono 

Filters - narrowband from Astronomik HA -Olll  and R  (Red  deep sky filter)  

exposures time - HA 54x 300sec- Olll 24x300sec -R 20x300sec.

Location -Babadag -Romania  ,,Scorpius Observatory"