Wednesday, December 9, 2020

NGC 7814  -final image LRGB

The NGC 7814 is a spiral galaxy in constellation Pegasus and is around 40 millions light-years  distance from Earth .

Telescope  Astrotech 6 inch f/9 with Astrophysics 0.67x   2 inch .


Mount: Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro  guided with ZWO asi120mm mono PHD Guiding 2 

exposures:L -24x600 sec.- R -12x300 sec -G-12x300 sec-B- 12x300 sec. 

Location -Babadag -Romania - Scorpius Observatory .



Saturday, December 5, 2020

M 1 the  ,,Crab Nebula" is a supernova remnant  about 6500 light years from Earth .First time recorded by chinese astronomers in 1054 in constellation Taurus .The Crab Nebula is  discovered  in 1731 by english astronomer-John Bevis .  In 1758  rediscovered by Charles Messier as he was observing  a braight comet . Messier catalogued the first object in his catalogue  of comet- like .

Atrophoto in HA .

Telescope  Astrotech RC 6 f 9  -focal reducer Astrophysics 0.67 x 2inch . Cam.Atik314L plus mono. Mount Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro guided . 

Guide cam ZWO asi 120mm mono. , guide -scope  TS 65mm Quadruplet  , Phd 2 guiding . Exposures 27 light frames x 300 sec  with Astronomik HA 12nm  filter .

Location Babadag -Romania   ,,Scorpius Observatory .


Wednesday, July 15, 2020

NGC 7822 (detail)  in color .(after three days i finished the image with two other filters :-Olll & red filter ) .

With the same equipment

Astronomik  filters HA ,Olll & red - deep sky filter .
HA-58x 300 sec.- Olll 30x300 sec.-R 15x300sec.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

NGC 7822   (detail)- is a  young star-forming region , in constellation of Cepheus . Distance : - about 2900 light years from Earth
  Astrophoto equipment  :
-Telescope -  R.C.  Astrotech  6 f/9 with Astrophysics 0.67 x focal reducer .
-Photo-camera - ccd Atik  314l+ mono.
-Mount -Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro guided .
-Guide cam ZWO  ASI 120mm mono.
-guide scope Schywatcher 70mm .
 -Filters -Astronomic HA 12nm.
-Exposures - 58 light frames x 300 sec. for each one .

Location - Babadag -Romania- 11 - july -2020 -mini-observatory ,,Scorpius" .

Thursday, July 9, 2020

M.17-without stars .
M. 17 - Omega Nebula - discovered by Philippe Loys  Cheseaux  in the constellation Sagittarius in 1745 . The Omega Nebula is about 5000-6000 light years from Earth and is considered one of the brightes and most massive star - forming of the Milky Way .
Astrophoto equipment :
telescope;Vixen VC200l  with Astrophysics 067 x focal reducer .
mount :Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro . guided .
Guide scope Skywatcher &70mm
 Guide cam ZWO  ASI 1200 mono.
filter :HA 12nm From Astronomik.
Exposures 20 light frames X 300 sec.

location - Babadag Romania 9 July 2020 . From my smaal observatory Scorpius .

Friday, June 26, 2020

,,Pillars of Creation " - detail in the center of M 16 also known as the Eagle Nebula - is about 5.700 light-years in constellation Serpens . M16 is discovered by Jean-Philippe de Cheseaux in 1745 . The nebula contain active star -forming  gas and dust regions including the Pillars of creation .

Astrophotography equipment :
-telescope -Vixen VC200L  & Astrophysics 0.67 x -focal reducer
 - mount : Skywatcher HEQ5Pro -guided.
-  photo: -cam.ATIK 314L+ mono
-guide camera :ZWO asi120mm mono
--guide-scop: Skywatcher 70mm
filters: HA 12nm Astronomik .
exposures time : HA filter -10 light frames x 300 sec each .

Location : Babadag -Romania ,,Scorpius Observatory" 23 June 2020 .  
Trifid nebula or M20 (in HA) -  this nebula is an unsual combination with :  reflexion nebula  . emission nebula and dark nebula .  M20 is about 4.200 light years from Earth ,in constellation Sagittarius .The Trifid Nebula is a star forming region in the scutum spiral arm of the Milky Way .

Astropicture  with :
- optical tube Vixen VC 200L + astrophysics 0.67 x-focal reducer  2 .
- camera foto Atik 314L+ mono.
- mount Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro -guided
- guiding ZWO asi 12mm mono planetary cam.
- filter HA 12nm. from Astronomik
- guide scope Skywatcher 70mm refractor telescope .
exposures : 10 light frames( Ha filter) . x 300sec each frame . Total 50min.

Location: Scorpius Observatory - Babadag - Romania .  26 june 2020 .

Monday, April 6, 2020

M13- the Hercules Globular Cluster ,is a star cluster in constellation Hercules,  Discovered by Edmond Halley in 1714  and cataloged by Charles Messier  on  june 1,1764 in the Messier Catalog .
Equipment astrophoto :
- telescope -MEADE 80mm triplet apo
-camera photo -Atik 314l+ mono
-mount -Skywatcher HEQ5Pro , guided
-filters- Astronomik -HA , Olll .
- exposures time - Light frames HA 15 x 300 sec. &  Olll 13 x 300 sec.

- Location Babadag -Romania -2 April-2020 . Mini-observatory ,,Scorpius" (with moon light pollution) .

Friday, March 20, 2020

The Leo Triplet- M65 , M66 , & NGC 3628 - is a small group of galaxies,in the constellation Leo . The galaxy group  is about 35million light years away ,from Earth . M65 and M66 is discovered by Charles Messier in 1780  but , NGC 3628 ( left up) is discovered by William Herschel in 1784 .

Equipment astrophoto : telescope MEADE 80 mm triplet ed apo.
Mount; skywatcher HEQ5 Pro ,guided PHD Guiding 2 ,guide cam ZWO ASI 120mm .mono.
 Photo -camera :ATIK 314l + mono ,
Filters : LRGB ,,Astronomik"
Exposures : L.18 x 300 sec & R.G.B. 10 x 300 sec for each filter .

Location : Babadag -Romania - 13 -March -2020. mini-observatory ,,Scorpius" .

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

NGC 3628- is spiral unbarred galaxy ,in constellation Leo ,and is about 35 million light -years distance , from Earth . The NGC 3628 it was discovered by William Herschel in 1784 .
Equipment astrophoto :  -Telescope RC 6 f/9 ,,Astrotech" focal reducer ,,Astrophysics"  CCDT 0.67 x . Mount Skywatcher HEQ5Pro guided . Camera Atik314L+ mono. Filters  ,, Astronomik " LRGB .
Exposures  : - 30  x 300 sec Luminance and  7 x 300 sec per each filter - R. G. B.
 Location - Babadag-Romania  ,,Scorpius "mini-observatory-16- march 2020 .

Friday, March 6, 2020

Messier 106 - is a spiral galaxy , about 24 millions light-years from Earth  in constellation Canes Venatici .Down right is galaxy NGC 4217 about 60 millions light years from Earth . M.106 it was discovered by Pierre Mechain in 1781 .

Equipment astrophotography ; Telescope MEADE 80mm triplet apo ,mount Skywatcher HEQ 5 Pro, guided Zwo ASI120mm mono cam. and PHD Guiding 2 ; guide scope TS 65mm quadruplet . Camera Atik 314L+ mono , ,,Artemis Capture "  ,filters LRGB from Astronomik . Electric filter sistem 5 positions from Atik . Exposures -L 40 x 300 sec & R G B ,15x 300 sec for each filter . The sky not good transparence .

Location -Babadag (Romania) -,,Scorpius "mini-observatory .

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Detail center left  Rosette Nebula ( Leopard)
Atik 314L mono , telescope MEADE 80mm triplet apo . Crop and  procesing with ,,Gimp astrophotography" & ,,Nebulosity " .

Friday, February 14, 2020

NGC -2237 (Rosette Nebula) located in Monoceros Constelation is closely with open cluster NGC 2244 . The strars of the cluster aving been formed from the nebula,s matter . The cluster and the nebula lie at a distance of some 5.000 light years from Earth .
 Foto with Atik 314L+ mono. , 2narrowband filters: HA 12nm ,Olll 12nm , and 1  RED filter from ,, Astronomik" .
 Exposures : 48 x 300 sec. light frames  HA
                    20x300 sec. light frames Olll
                     12x300 sec. light frames RED filter
Atik EFW 5 positions .

Telescope MEADE 80mm triplet ED apo series 5000 .
Mount Skywatcher HEQ5 PRO guided .
Guide cam ZWO  ASI 120mm mono.
Guide scope 65mm  apo quadruplet  .

NGC-2237 (Rosette Nebula) HA 12nm Astronomik ,Atik 314L+ mono. Telescope MEADE  80mm ED  apo triplet -series 5000 .