Messier 63-Sunflower Galaxy : is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Canes Venatici consisting of a central disc surrounded by many short spiral arm segments.M .63 was discovered by Pierre Mechain one june 14-1779 . Distance from Earth 27 million light years. The galaxy was then listed by Charles Messier as object 63 in the Messier Catalogue .
Pictures technical details: telescope R.C. 6 inches f/9 ,focal reducer astro-physics CCD 67,telescope guide. Skywatcher 70/500mm ,guide cam.ZWO asi 120mm mono. ,mount Skywatcher HEQ5pro,ccd photo-camera-Atik 314l+monochrome with electric filter-wheel 1,25 .
Exposures:-L RGB -L 19x300 sec.,RGB 10x300se each filter.
location Babadag Romania 9 april 2018. -Transparency on the sky not very gut .
Pictures technical details: telescope R.C. 6 inches f/9 ,focal reducer astro-physics CCD 67,telescope guide. Skywatcher 70/500mm ,guide cam.ZWO asi 120mm mono. ,mount Skywatcher HEQ5pro,ccd photo-camera-Atik 314l+monochrome with electric filter-wheel 1,25 .
Exposures:-L RGB -L 19x300 sec.,RGB 10x300se each filter.
location Babadag Romania 9 april 2018. -Transparency on the sky not very gut .
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